Page 4 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 4

The Hisfory ofThe Homer Loughlin Chino Compom/‘7
and The HON Chmo Compom/V
1391 1927-1129
Hnmellaughhnvemed The Hnme1LaughhnChma Cumpanyhwed Fledenzk
andsmdmsznmpanylnhws HunenRhead,nneuHhewnv\\\\d‘smnslfllusllnnus
buukkeepel,WE We\\\\|3,h\\\\s Levamxsts Thewmpany veazhed peakemmnymenl
,”wmmWglmmjnmco «manual nl3,5fl0penp\\\\eatthefiveNewe|\\\\phms. 11:: W H M d
"M ream u an ea
wm» nn more mum m East Llvevpmfl, Homer dawned the bvwy
Laughlufs (nmpany began hundmg P\\\\an1M,-muss WW4 ‘W’ ""6 WM‘
Wm Hnmglm the nvev(and sme hues) m Mewen, wv. they mm a B 3“9"H‘:t'% m"W“"=
we .3 am
SWEEP?” WW" Wm suspension hndgem mnnecl an me p\\\\anIs,Inn n
laughhn Blmhevs Pmlevy m
no: ms: was
The Han China Company Havmg puvthased Gnndwm Ha\\\\| Chma Immduted
waslmmded by Ruben PnIIery(wh\\\\Lh meant a semnd ms nwn Vine nl
m Ha\\\\| m EastlIvevpm1|,0H phm), Ha\\\\| om may hename dmnelwale.
,, thewuv|d'3\\\\alge3Ipmdu(evnl
11.. mu (1.... ;..,..y 1911 demlatedleapms.
The HaH om Cnmpanfsyeals ul leseavzh finaHy
ylehied a suztessflfl lead Ivee g\\\\a1e,wh\\\\Lh {vealed
mgn quamy puttery mammy veqmled ans lmng.
D7‘. E 9 " O ‘
[J » '5 1‘,
‘ < 
‘ n , \\\\ ' 1
1 - * 4 

Bosque‘: 14 Alexa”......................52

Brownfletd " 18 Aurora”  58

Cofi(1ge"‘ 22 Kensington“..............62

Hesrtr 26 Pristine’?..................66

Fresco 32

Retro 36

Sep\\\\»:1"'/‘Pesm*/Indigo” 44


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