Page 3 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 3

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2 3 From the day the Laughlin brothers decided in our company, our products’ integrity, and
' to form tneir pottery company in 1871, it was our community. We understand you want the
meant to be the community's company—by best value for your money, so tnank you for
"  putting local people to work and making trusting us to provide it—with dinnerware
‘| _ tnem part of our success. Our roots are here, that is durable and beautiful and made to
, ‘ our growth has taken place here, and our stand the test of time.
. ' nearts will never leave here. The towns of
' Newell, West Virginia, and East Liverpool, The Homer Laugnlin China Company”,
‘  Onio; our entire region; and generations now in the nands of its fourth generation of
‘ y of local pottery makers are all the better owners, is the largest remaining domestic
I because of the rich clay in the soil of the tableware manufacturer in the United States.
‘ upper Ohio River Valley. We nave persevered because our founders
' ; had a plan 140+ years ago to make the best,
' This new catalog represents the best of most durable product while providing jobs,
both Homer Laugnlin and Hall China, which support, and opportunity to the community
together form HLC lnc. You'll find traditional in which we live.
, - favorites, the hottest trends, the simply
. ‘ elegant, and, as always, the opportunity to Thank you for sticking with us tnrough tne
' work with our Custom Design artisans to years. If you're a new customer, we tnank
\\\\ ‘Q /1‘ _$- . ‘r '& customize your own design. We'll take your you forjoining us. Tnrougnout these pages,
- . ideas, sketches on a paper napkin, oryust look for some fun and informative glimpses
\\\\ ' 5 your dream of the ideal dinnerware and into our company history as it reflects the
' ' turn it into the perfect representation of events, trends, and styles of tnose years
your brand. in America.
. " ' " ‘ We know and appreciate tnat quality matters
' 4~""" ' to you. Your preferred tableware is made in
. America by people who are deeply invested
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The Homer Laughlin China Company, early 1900s

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