Page 32 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 32

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Hnwtnhuild ymHHLE part number. ‘i \\\\
rrEMii ® PAriERmi
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Fiesta (unless othenuise inditated each item is available in all fifteen tolnrs)
ivury33O :laIe339 :age34U tlareI34l :<arleI32a poppyiifi tangerine 325 daffodil 342
sunflower 320 lemongrass 332 shamrotk 324 turquoise lU7 lapi: 337 tubal! lU5 white lO0
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Did You Know? /
When it comes to perceived portion sizes, not all same-sized plates are equal. Plate de- ~

sign characteristics, such as plate color and rim design, create a perception illusion that ’

can help you control portions. lt has to do with the fact that a circle appears largerwhen l
surrounded by a slightly larger circle—consider a p|ate's rim. Manipulating rim coloring

and increasing the rims width both highlight the outer circle, leading peopleto perceive

the size ofthe inner circle as largerthan it actually l5 and allowing forthe perception ofa

larger poition.

Source. A McClain, W van den Bos, D Matheson, M Desal, S M NlcClure,T N Robinson, Visual illusions and plate

design. The effects or plate nrn widths and rum coloring on perceived food pomon Size.

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