Page 31 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 31
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« T Dld You Know?
1 , ‘ L7’ Stunnmg on any tabletop, F\\\\e5ta' gets a
V ._ more specific nod based on research related
’ V 7 V to healthcare. In particmar, The A\\\\2heimer’s
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§—_f Resource Center m P\\\\amsvi||e, Connectxcut,
" ‘ s has found that patwents respond posmvely to
meals provxded on brwghter dmnerware.
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pedestal howl‘ bowls gusto howl thowdelbnwl
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«7 1',‘ HI 4615'”
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'H 3w_",‘ o»'H/ 455’,—H
vim soup howl rim soup bowl (hili bowl blstto howls
V“ V MW 451 W? 4“ H1 4627,fZ 1»«.",‘ '.",H/ 09Bff ‘ rm"? 7,.",H/ 145871‘
" fa"? u.",H/ 1459’,H
'H 1 1‘ "(MI ‘|4727,H
','f~"i:<"”""'l','-‘,“ff",",,'§5'f,‘7!’r_; lruillsalsa bowl 7‘ bouillon K V _ nmekin V
[V rrw 4715:: .",H/ 148951; o u w'w/ 450.51» I: _ M .",H/ 568’,lH
‘Not available In whlle
" Onlyavailahlelnlurquoise.Sunflower.Shamrodnlangeline.S:aI|el.l.emongrass,aml lapls .'Y.‘3§§ A,‘