Page 13 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 13

Generic Plate Cross Section
C d
Curilnui Pniril W
_ / Slinuidei W H Pi
Basic Plate Types 9 B .— DEmm,,,g
\\\\ Edge
Rail l> Fm‘
Generic Cup Cross Section
Demialirig Edge
./ j
_ Haridie
Siiuuidei Q “'7
A Fm" _ j
l'l'EM — The individuai piece of ware; i.e., dinner plate, Nobody Carl pro‘/‘de Amemals loodfie”/ice
boumon cu etc tabielops with as vast a selection of colors and
' P’ ' patterns as Homer Laughlin. We add these hues and
t t l3 il l t it lh

l'I'EM NUMBER — A three- or four-digit number signifying ;n;:lu;an:Ipi:t:uéInaifvfgreegézgigogjiie gianzl

a particuiar item. The item wiil be iisted underneath the Once you have Selected your itemg and the perfect
image ofthe item, adjacent to the corresponding size and/ pane“ men you can buiid your part Mmbe, in

or capacity. The item number wiii be the first three to four order to do met, you 5imp|y combine the item
digs in the numerical sequence and will always be BOLD. numbywim the pattern numben

For example: Pristinew 9»5/8" dinner plate item number is

638XXX, with "XXX" representative of a pattern as yet to

be specified Howie build yourHLC part number:
PATTERN —The decoration, color, or embossment. (lroelzlyisl ° (upnagoeyldnis)

PATTERN NUMBER — A sequence of one to five digits

signifying a pattern. Pattern numbers wiii be listed in the

pattern section that foilows most of our collections. Pattern

numbers wili aiso be listed in the item spreads. Here, the 

pattern number will be next to the item number and NOT I I

m bO|d_ ° / e P‘ s:ii‘e 'i:ie

I i<eii,‘M:‘C’Ji‘
Note that undecorated dinnen/vare is also considered a P I 758 K TII7/ 6386028
ii:iie:::e‘~ “ Eii.‘.‘tTiC0i
pattern and has a pattern number. ‘MB 25028

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