Page 12 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 12

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What's typical in terms of quantity when you are placing a dinnerware order? Based on your location and number of
turns, there is a lot of variability, to be sure. But after more than a century of setting tables, we have a pretty good sense
of averages. The recommendations below will help you select the right pieces and quantities. To get the quantity of
each piece, multiply the number of seats times the ordering Factor shown for each type of dining, then order the closest
dozen quantity.
Piece Suggested Use Diiiiiig riieiiie Caieieiia Eamiuei iiistiiuiimiai


5“ ti: 6' Plates Bread Br Butter, Salad Buwl, Buuillon Underline! o!Bevemge Underline! 2 b 1-1/4 3

b—1/4“ tot 3/4“ Plates Bread Br Butter, Salad, Dessert o!U!iderlIrie!lar Bouillon 1 1/2 3 3 3

7“ ti: 7-7/B‘ Plates Salad, Sandwitli, Dessert, o!Unde!lirierlo!Gmpel!uiL Appetizerorlarge Buwl 1-1/2 2 2-1/2

8“ to 9“ Plates Ent!e'e,Sa!idwi(li lJll|(liEflri, Large Salad, Uride!lrnerfo!Salad 1 1/2 21/2 2 2

9-1/8’ to 93/4“ Plates Dinner, Large lllri(liEDri, Underli!ie!lo! Salad, Breaklast, Operi-late Saridwirh 1-1/2 21/2 2 11/4

10 1/4“ to 12 1/8“ Plates Ent!e'etSteak Prime RIb,Clmps), Service Plate, o!la!ge Underliner 2 2 1/2 1 1/2

7“to7-1/2' Platters Baked Potatu,Aspamgus,Sa|ad,Co|d Seafood 1 11/2

9“to91/2“PlaIte!s Luritheon Plate, Fisli Plate, Spetialtylterris, orSalad 1 1 1/2 1/2

'|1'to 13” Platters Steak, Fish, lulzster, Prime Rih,ur Surl'n'Turl 1 1 1/2

Mug Hato!Cold Beverage 3 21/2 21/2

Tea Cup Beverages 3 3 2 11/2 11/2

Saute! Cup or Bouillon Underline! 21/2 3 Z 1 1/2 1—1/2

Bouilluri Cup Bouillon, Soup, Gelatiri,(usta!d,SugarBuwl,urC!atl<ers 1 2 11/2 11/2 1-1/Z

Frurl Dish(Mo!ikey Dish) Vegetables,Salad,Cobbler,Puddirig,o!ButterDIsh 2 3 A 21/2 3

Grapelruit Suup, Cereal, Fmit,Srrial|Salad, o!Stew i 1 1-1/2 1-1/2

Oatmeal Bowl Soup, Cereal, o! Stew 1 1 1

Rim DeepSuup AlanarteSoupandala tarteSaladurChi|iurPasta 1/2 1/2

Plttliel/Creamer C!eamlo!Beve!ageorSyrup 1/3 in 1/3

Sugar Bowl/Patket Saute» Cmtkers o! Suga! 1/3 1/3 1/3


Sauteboat AuJusarSalad Dressing 1/3 1/2


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