Page 119 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 119
boston boulllon boulllon amerlcas cup
3-7/0" 7-1/2 02 10000 Gm-7/0' 7-1/4 01 10100 M 11 01 57300
fi1s:2B2l}I} bostun saucer fits: 282000051011 saucer fits: 28200 bnslon saucer Dinnerwm with this symbnr @
is also available in Arctic White.
, ,1 _. 9 A perennial favorite,whi1e
’f\\\\ (O { ) dinnerware complements any
décorand makes food look
beautllully appetizing.
boston cup ovlde cup shlp cup
7-3/4 02 10500 7-1/2 01 10200 7 01 10300
fi1s:2B2l}I} bostnn saucer fits: 23100 shipsaucer, fits: 28300 texas saucer,
232000051011 saucer 234OI}ke11tsaucer, '
23000 bmadloot saucer,
232000051011 saucer,
23100 shipsaucer
J :1 Ar¢I|:W|Ill1e10I}0l}
f7 '
F7 ‘ >5,
texas cup vlrglnla cup a.d. cup
702 10-100 GM 0-3/4 01 10700 3-1/2 01 10300
fi1s:283l}Otexas saucer, fits: 23300 texas saucer,
23200 bostun saucer 23400 kentsaucer,
232000051011 saucer
y ' Homer Laughlin’s Rolled
Edge dinnerware is
i .
7. an appealing shape
‘ ” " designed to stand up
I52?/zfiadfoot sauggaoo glul/§_saucer "mu "’ ' to the demands of the
fi1s:10300ship cup fits: 10200 ovidecup, miles‘ dl"l"9 °F’°’a'
10300 shipcup tions. The reinforced
—* - 0 rolled edge and high
' A|phalain'-added body
. provide maximum resis-
. tanceto chipping and
l.‘ . 0' enhanced heat retention.
' ' . (Shown top to bottom:
' _ Bakers 00600, 00500
’ 1 and 00700)
texas saucer bostnn saucer ._ :3
M 5-1 /2 " 20300 W4-7/0' 23200 H ‘
fiIs:10300shipcup, fits: 10100 bouillon, * A’ ,,. -J. - "
10-lllmexascup, 10000 buston bouillon, ' ‘ ._ ~‘ I ‘ , ~
107I}0v1rg1nia cup 10300 shipcup,1040l}lexas cup, » ‘ ;- --
1050!) buston cup, 1|l700v1rgin1a ~
cup, 57800 HMEHEBS cup