Page 113 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 113

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, _ V Rolled Edge comes full circle for the 21 st century,
. thanks to some inspiring innovations. Designed
" from the ground up to accommodate your uncom-
I Kl promising standards, RE-21' gives the chef more
 freedom than ever before without sacrificing the
. nostalgic rolled edge design. A shallower well and
'7 /) elevated angle form a higher, more dramatic stage
" to give food unparalleled impact. The luminous con-
. ~ cave cusp creates an enhanced perception of robust
, V, _ depth, yet the underside roll and wide rim ensure
 ” that all the classic touchpoints remain comfortably
‘ in place.
»\\\\ g A I Lock-stacking design and a wide range of items
77 make RE-21 the past, present, and future of
, / foodservice.
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‘ »_ I0“ 1970 saw the first wave of construction of hotels
‘ V _ V A _ . /  _ for business travelers. Hotel chains began to
K  ‘H ' 5 fl :9’; caterto their customers’ wishes, offering
J I .  ' g r I  ' .  more services, larger rooms, and more
— 7  ' V V V. . -. I 7 sophisticated cuisine. It wasn't surprising
. V  )5.-5 ,  ‘ that Homer Laugh|in's fine hotel ware
.  I,-jg;   \\\\2 was becoming a prominent player in
. ‘   1 the foodservice china industn/, eventually
.  -' »  i Q , - _ overtaking their retail dinnemare in sales volume.
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