Page 27 - Original Watermen: Lifeguard Uniforms 2018
P. 27
POCKET MASKPackagedin a co mpact, hard shell, pocket-sized carrying case and features a patented one- way valve with filter. Leak-proof s e al, r e -i n fl a t e d c o n t o u r e d s o f t vi n yl c u f f s h a p e s e a sil y t o a d ul t, child, and infant facial contours. Transparent do me allo ws rescuer to check victi m’s mouth for lip color and secretions. Maskis ready to use with no need to asse mble valve and filter, saving valuable ti me during e mergencies. Recognized by all majorlifeguard agencies. Masks co me with gloves and a wipe.S K U: 1 0- 5 01BLACKBACKBOARDSTRAPPrice: S K U:3 Pack: S K U:1-11 12-36 36+W A T E R M E N A D U L T S PI N E B O A R DThis spineboardisthe most popular board onthe West Coast. Econo mical, yet very strong. The shell of the boardis heavy duty andis x-ray translucent. The board co mes with 21 handholds and 8 pins for your strapping needs. This boardis waterproof and excellent for waterrescuescenarios.Thecapacityofthisboardis600lbs. Madeofpolyethylene.WATERMEN PEDIATRIC SPINEBOARD Boardis100 % x-raytranslucent andis a mustfor anylocation where kids are present. Re me mberit’s nexttoi mpossibleto put a s mall child on a 6ft. board.Custo m E mbroidery And Silkscreening Available On All Products27Colors:S K U: P ri c e:Red, Royal, White, Li me, Yellow, Orange 1 0- 9 9 3$1 2 0. 0 0C ol o r s: S K U:P ri c e:O r a n g e 1 0- 9 9 6 $ 9 9. 0 09. 2 58. 9 5 8. 5 0$8.50 each 1 0- 3 01$22.50 1 0- 3 0 5