Page 16 - International Gym Activity Book
P. 16

NUTRITIOUS MEETS DELICIOUSAsparagus is succulent and tender and is part of the onion, leek, and garlic family. It was considered a delicacy in ancient times and was so revered for both taste and medicinal purposes, that it was offered as a gift to the gods in rituals some 2,000 years ago!A highly perishable spring vegetable, it should be eaten within 48 hours of purchase.                      is the variety commonly eaten in the United States for its anti-                                                             varieties, only 20 are edible. The green variety is the American and British asparagus of choice. The French eat the purple variety, and the Spanish and Dutch enjoy the white.Asparagus is a nutrient bonanza, including vitamins B6, C, E and K. In addition, it contains calcium, magnesium,                                                                                                                                     California, Washington, and Michigan are the main producers of asparagus in the U.S., with America ranking 5th in world production after China, Peru, Germany, and Mexico. In fact, the German town of Schwetzingen is the self-proclaimed asparagus capital of the world and holds an annual Spargelfest (asparagus festival) in May. The person growing the heaviest stalk is declared Spargel king or queen!Asparagus is available year-round in the supermarket, but is at its best in the spring. It is low in calories and can be stir-fried, steamed, roasted, pickled, and eaten raw.A recipe for cooking asparagus is in the oldest surviving book of recipes Apicius: 3rd Century AD.Asparagus takes three years from seed to harvest.Asparagus can take the pain out of a bee sting and can relieve toothaches.The name asparagus comes from the Greek word meaning stalk or shoot.16

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