Page 9 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 9
WHAT MAKES /cAo\\\\or: thbe same throlughgtfn your order? W
re t e ottom ung aze oot—nngs
GENU|NE polrshed and smooth so they won't \\\\\\\\(
DURABILITY scratch a table or snag a tablecloth? ~\\\\ / ,3
The strength to withstand day after day of The answers at Homer Laughlm are yes‘ ( I
fast handhng, dishwashmg, stackxng, and A5 a Genume ManmraCm,e,~ with " 3 '
srlverware abrasxon wrthout damage mole than Moyears mrexpenence /
VITRIFICATION and extensrve productron capabflftres, \\\\ W ‘ /
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Vitnfied china resu\\\\ts when the c\\\\ay goes HnOem;r,C:;‘?,‘e;:I Z,-rrsvfelewajza est fl
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3::pzghfer;:jk;':r?AgG7°§::i’;::';; dfstrngurshfng coIors,‘and 17 shapes,
andV:"Ong' ' ' 11 of whrch are pvopnetary.
Askyourself \\\\s the pattern consrstent on aH
pieces? Are the shapes symmetnca\\\\7 Are the
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