Page 85 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 85

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E ‘  \\\\"-.\\\\. ,‘ $132‘ For those whose art needs no frame, Empire offers
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2-3. ~1,‘~,'-}'.;.. I.‘ 1'3:  A.‘ -, ,:',- --_';.,: ls, .: ’ v_', j j,= .‘_i ,.‘ _'~,--'.-._','.;i, -5;: Rim to European culinary experIences—InspIred this
g ' '1‘: _x'llll’:‘  I -i .:_l". :2" .E..,;:' Ii,’-l .,-;'l.r  artful,ultra-clean dinnenlvareline. Instantlytimeless,
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'- I '  '_' .'|“._'-,5,“ ..V.:“‘,V"",‘-_l." »‘,‘-'~""‘;“_'.“ nessto deliveraf|awless,minimalist canvas foryour
1'11‘  ‘-‘-.l,-,V-'_l". -,3',‘'_:',_',','‘., most sculptural culinary masterpieces.
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‘ ' Following the success of Fiesta’, Rhead created
Harlequin exclusively for Woolworth's. It was a
brightly colored, more angular design that was
less expensive than its predecessor. As the
Depression made people tighten their belts,
 the stylish yet affordable Harlequin became an
all-time best-seller for Woolworth‘s.
¢§.ms:: 83

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