Page 77 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 77
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/ Americana is ourthinnest dinnerware yet, delivering
' ‘’ style and elegance to the table without sacrificing
strength or affordability. This 9-piece line brings
». distinction to your brand with its crisp Arctic White
glaze on Homer Laughlin's durable Ivory Body. Our
made-in-the-USA, always-lead-free dinnerware is
crafted to be better at resisting chipping, cracking,
and crazing. Set the table with Americana—a¢ the
. intersection of quality and luxury.
5' ’L ' On a roll with his successful creative
‘ . direction, Frederick Hurten Rhead
,;\\\\_’ ‘V V 1 created the Century shape—a
rig . .
\\\\» ‘ 4 square plate with rounded edges
‘ and a circular interior that could be
‘ '; decorated in many ways. The Riviera
( pattern on Century was released in 1938.
Céwagsx 75