Page 214 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 214
Abbey,aPatternofKen51ngton.. ......b5 Fantasy F15n,aPaItern ol/tlexa .51: Parkerton,aPattern ofSev1lle. 125
Abstratt E(ru,aPattern olPrI5t1ne ......70 Eoundryby Hall 160 Pastoral Blue,aPattern olRolled Edge 119
Aero,aPattern ofPrI5tIne. ......70 Golden 0roIt,aPattern ofPnstIne... .71 P|nl<Buds,aPaItern olAlexa.. 55
Alexa, Undetorated ......56 Gotln(,Unde(orated.. .94 P|nl<\\\\I|olet5,aPattern olSev1lle 125
Arnertlan Ruse Bl1re,a Pattern ul Rolled Edge.. 118 Green Band, a Pattern of Rolled Edge 118 Pr|st1ne,Unde(orated... 70
AmenwnIte® HallCnIna Produrts... 150 Ramel<1n5&Soufl‘|es byHall... 192
AzIe(a,aPatternofNad1a. ...104 Healtnware...... 200 Rolled Edge,Unde(orated Rolled Edge 118
Beverage Sen/I(ebyHall.. ...175 Hon1erlaugnlInProdu(ts..... .12 Ross,aPaIternolLyn(a 101
Blue F1sn,a Pattern of Rolled Edge 118 |mper1a,a Pattern of Rolled Edge.... 118 Salerno,a Pattern of Rolled Edge 119
Blue Mex,aPattern olRolled Edge 119 |nverne55,a Pattern ofGotnI( .94 Sand Dune5,aPatternolNarr0wR1rn 109
Blue Pnnt, a Pattern of RE 21 113 Inverness, a Pattern ofSev1lle 125 Sard1nIa,a Pattern of Rolled Edge..... 119
BlueStar5,aPattern ofSevllle.... ...124 Ivory Body .72 Sea5l10re,aPaItern olAlexa 515
Blue Wlllow, a Pattern of Rolled Edge 118 Jade,a Pattern ofGotn1( .95 Seasons, a Pattern of Lyn(a..... 101
Bulletware byHall. ...180 Jade,aPattern ofSev1lle 125 Sev1lle,Unde(orated 124
Calypso Bla(l<,aPatternolPrI5t1ne ......70 Kerry,aPaIternolPr|5t1ne .71 SoHooyHall 11:5
Calypso Blue,a Pattern ofPnstIne ......70 latosta Pea(n,aPattern olSevIlle... 125 Soup, Salad&Pa5ta by Hall.... 1915
Coastal Compa55,a Pattern of Pnstlne... ......71 lal<es1de,a Pattern ofPnstIne . .71 Sovona,a Pattern of Rolled Edge 119
Color5&PaIterns Lyd|a,aPattern ofGotnI( .95 Stud1obyHall.... 170
Cond|ment5,Sau(e5&More by Hall ...188 Lyd|a,aPattern oflynta 100 Tn1stle,aPattern olPrI5t1ne.... 71
Cool<&SeNebyHall ...184 Lyd|a,aPatternofSevIlle 125 T0nes,aPatternolRolled Edge 119
Copperby Hall ...15z> Lyn(a,Unde(orated 100 Toulon,aPattern at Rolled Edge 119
Cornflower,aPattern 0lLyrI(a ...100 Man(nester,aPattern ofKen5Ingt0n .65 DIplomatGold... 149
Dol(e,aPattern olAlexa... ......56 Mar|5ol,aPattern ofRolled Edge 118 Sterling... 149
EbonyS(roll,aPattern at Carolyn ......a1 Mart1que5,aPattern of Rolled Edge 119 V1(torIanV1olets,aPatternolPr1st1ne 71
El Dorado, a Pattern of Pnstlne... ......71 Monora1l,a Pattern of Rolled Edge.. 119 Vlntage Globe, a Pattern of Nadla 104
Elegant,aPattern of/llexa ......5b Monterey,aPattern olGotln( .94 WestmInster,aPattern ofGotnI( 95
Fa1rv|ew,aPattern olSevIlle ...124 Oro,aPattern olPr|5t1ne .71 Vorl<5lnre,aPaItern olPrIst1ne 71
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