Page 169 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 169
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‘ _. _» :5 _ _ I w‘ Square and rectangular bodies that flow into natural
‘ . V ' , curves define Hall China's bright»white SoHo line.
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> _ . I ~ ' Inspired by the chic minimalism of boutique restau»
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.; . > rants and sidewalk cafes, SoHo allows chefs to build
’' their culinary designs set against bold straight lines
and rounded bodies.
“ I Adual-purpose line, SoHo offers stunning shapes
T that easily transition from shared service to
.. individual dining—with sophistication and beauty
_. ._"., to spare.
V, 1 ‘ SoHo: minimal and marvelous.
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"3 _ 4 , The Hall China Company’ spent many years
' A _ ‘ researching ways to make a single-fire process
I I .
. . possible, and the company often struggled
R ' to make ends meet with its bedpans,
_ 1 l - combinets, mugs, andjugs. They introduced
~ c‘. I ,_ small amounts ofdinnenivare in 1908,
_ ' ‘ although their production process was not
K nearly as efficient as that of Henry Ford's
5 newly released Model T.
mag: 167