Page 159 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 159

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_ l ’ _ No doubt aboutit: Copper makesastrong and
V -/ -\\\\ ' . _ distinctive impression.The new Copper line
-‘ ‘r 9' yr’. 7 delivers the warmth and strength of copper, but in a
  3 L. ""‘ 8' ' smooth,dural:>le ceramic that won't rust or stain like
T H " j V / real copper.
vr " //,  Metallics areapopular wayto setaunique and
/ dramatic tabletop, and Coppers sheen doesn't
7' P disappoint. It catches the eye, stirs the appetite, and
brings the bold. Whether dishing up dips and apps,
showcasing juicy burgers, or presenting scrumpe
tious entrees on plates or platters, Coppers glow
1 makes meals memorable.
t \\\\   7”}: (> AS the Wright Brothers took their first Hight, baseball
 7 * ’ /7, , 7 ~ players competed in the first World Series, and
, ~ . ‘ children embraced the lirst teddy bears, The Hall
R1 China Compariya was lounded by Robert Hall in
East Liverpool, Ohio. Hall assumed his share ol
‘ 7 the disbanded East Liverpool Potteries Company
_ V and took over the West, Hardwick, and George
 Pottery Plant, hiring 33 potters to usethree bottle
kilns to make bedpans and combiriets (since you
asked, that's a combination chamber pot and slopiarl.
6 nag: i57

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