Page 102 - HLC: Setting Moods Since 1871
P. 102
/ R I C A® Undecorated Lyrlca‘ 1000 _
Hnwmhui|dymuHLE pannumim. \\\\—/
HEM» Pmtnui
(bold ls) © (unboid N5)
Lyrica combines strength with beauty and durability J ’ ,
with charm. With sweeping curves akin to the artist's
brushstroke, it evokes thoughts of both the whimsy and ’
the earthy. Lyrica is given a new form as patterns accent
the waves that rise from its rim.
Lyrica stacks to create a beautifui \\\\ /
presentation. Below: 106/8“ (6091000) / ' _
base piate with 9" (6071000) piate and \\\\g
7-1/4“ (6051000) plate on top. Nappy
E : (6021000) caps the stack. ‘”'""°"“" *5”
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