Page 371 - AmericasMart: Market Magazine July 2018
P. 371

Tips for Managing In-Store Events
Even retailers who don’t have a full-sized demonstration kitchen can benefit from the increased traffic and exposure of special events or classes. Here are a few tips to make these successful.
1 Planning a class series takes trial and error. 3 Plan ahead. Finalizing events or classes
Don’t be disheartened by a couple of failures. It’s all about finding what interests your customers, who they are, and what they want to buy.
2 Free or inexpensive demos can help promote a class series. For instance, short, $10 events, can get customers interested as a gateway to a more expensive, longer class.
months ahead of time allows you to advertise and promote them across all social media and ensures that prospective attendees can save the date.
4 Work with local experts. It’s a huge benefit because they will help you promote the event. Plus, it’s a great benefit for them as they can get to know their customers, too.
For more information on Southern Home & Kitchen, call 336.777.3660 or visit Images courtesy of Exum Photography | 347

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