Page 74 - Steve Allen Retirement
P. 74

“Dr Allen made you you feel like a a a a a a a a normal person and spoke to you you as an an equal I love that he knew who you you you were were even though you you you were were an an off-site employee Thank you you you Dr Allen for your service and and dedication to Nationwide Children’s and and the staff You will be missed!”
– Jason Palmer Dublin SMORT Radiology
“Dr Steve Allen has done a a a a a wonderful job during his time with us It was always nice to see him from time time to to time time walking around the unit to to see how things were going He always had a a a a a a smile on his face Thank you you you you for the time you you you you have been here with us Wishing you you you you well on your retirement ”
– Patricia Lyles H08A Pulmonary
“I have been a a a a a a a patient since birth in in in 1977 and I I I became an an employee in in in 2005 I I I was born with a a a a a a a rare condition called Goldenhar syndrome resulting in in facial birth defects and the absence of my right ear ear and ear ear canal In 2011 I I I was working in in the OR OR as as an an an ORSA I I I had just been told by Dr Kang that I could receive a a a a a a a life changing surgery to to make me a a a a a a a manmade ear ear canal and give me the the natural gift of hearing My insurance denied the the surgery One day I I saw Dr Steve Allen walking through the the halls of the the OR I I approached him and told told him my story and and the insurance denial He told told me he he he would see what he he he could do and and told me to to email him and and another employee Shortly after my surgery was approved and and I received my my surgery surgery I will always be grateful to Dr Steve Allen for his part in my my surgery surgery ”
– Julie Brosious E R 71 

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